C'était le gros bullshit de merde

Just a little bit of québécois swearing.
Rough translation would probably be something like this it was the big bullshit of shit - most likely meaning it was total bullshit. 

I heard someone say it on my way from the PEPS, which is the sports center at uni. I laughed, thought it was quite hilarious.

I thought I'd throw in a blog since I'm waiting here before I go home, I quit the gym early because I forgot my socks (I was wearing stockings at school..) and had to use my sneakers with no socks which has now resulted in a large blister on the side of my foot.

Despite being left handed I've quite successfully managed to almost finish my knitting project. I just have a bit of it left and then I can finally move on to greater things.

One of my teachers asked me today what I was doing, I'm not sure if she appreciates the art of knitting and listening to teachers at the same time. She should be thankful I was knitting in stead of on facebook, because I sure paid more attention when knitting.

Being Icelandic, I cant go one day without talking about the weather - actually it's not helping that I think it might be a Canadian thing to, at least in the old days (compared to stuff I've learnt at school) - so. Weather.

Weather here has been quite stable, it's first becoming quite cold right now. We had some Sandy leftovers last week but mostly in form of rain. There was wind but nothing like what they had in the States (or Iceland..). However I've seen snowflakes a couple of times and because of that, I'm going to go and buy proper winter boots soon. Not that I'll need them until everything is covered in snow, it's just good to not take risks. I'd hate to be stuck at uni in my converse if we get a proper "tempête de neige" - where up to 50 cm of snow can fall in one go. Sounds exciting hah?

Since last time I've taken 4 exams and handed in at least 1 essay (which should explain to you, dear reader, the lack of blogs). I've received results from one exam and I got an A+. 
First A+ in my life! Not because I usually get bad grades but because in Iceland we dont have the letter system. (I got 9,64).
Brag brag, smag smag.

I went to Montréal last week and met my cousin Hafez who just moved there, it was nice to meet a relative and make jokes about Egypt, while eating kebab. Mmm.. kebab. 
Before I met him I met Éric, Ásta's university buddy who lives there. We had a nice walk in Montréal and he took me to the L'Oréal headquarters. That was quite something I would've never been able to do with out him - I even got 50% discount of the La Roche-Posay cream I bought. (Thank you Éric!)

I also got into a loud argument on a bus with some lady, but that's a funny story that will not be told in a blog. Oh, Montréal..

Back to Québec city.

Húllakisa, svín og allskonar eldhúsáhöld í formi svína.

This is a compilation I took in Escomptes Lecompte which is a cheap you-can-buy-almost-everything-store (of lesser quality).
I've been really tempted to buy the hulla hoop cat but always when I've tried them they weren't working so, as soon as I find a hulla hoop cat that works, I might just buy one.

Now I'm too hungry to finish this but for those who are wondering how life is going, I guess it's going quite well. Even though I'm hungry right now I normally dont go to bed starving and so far I haven't ran out of money.
Canadians (except the lady in Montréal) are a nice bunch of people! 

Over and out,
Miriam Petra


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