Oh Canada, oh Canada

I said last time I'd blog later about uni, life and the apartment.
I cant really blog about uni right now as I've not been to uni since on Friday and today is Monday.
Tomorrow I'll go though and talk to a lady called Françoise Gillis to decide what courses I'll take - then finally I'll know if I'm starting uni this week or in October.
Now you might ask,
why not until October? 
To which I will respond - and have done too many times already with some of you on facebook - that there was a strike here last year (last semester that is) and it delayed everything in some faculties, so some people couldn't finish their classes last spring. To fix that they gave them extra time so now everything has to be moved back - in some faculties that is.
Most likely some of my classes in literature wont start until Oct but I'm not sure about the other ones.

To other things.
This time, I'll mostly blog about life. But first, I want to post this collage of pics I took today in my apartment.
Here we go!
1. Thumbs up for the view I have out of my balcony...
2. Other end of the living room. That sofa is so nice.
3. In the study, you can see the red mattress in the corner for wandering guests.
4. That be the desk and my favorite windows, in the other end of the study.

I like giving thumbs-up to things. The red mattress get's two thumbs up because it's awesome but the metal wall blocking my balcony only get's one. The reason why I give it one is because no one can see into my apartment which mean I can be naked in the living room. Which I like to do.
And I'm also ironic. 

Now for Life, Universe and Everything.
I'll skip the Universe and the rest. 
I've enjoyed crazily good weather these past days, tanning to the max at a local swimming pool.
Weirdly for me they're free and you just walk in - there are life guards watching and no one takes a shower before. And you cant take photos, just in case you're a pedofile. But I did it anyway, because I'm such a rebel. 

There is a diving board and the water has way more chlorine than back in Iceland. My skin got unusually dry after diving in and my glasses got stained a bit by the water.
Not that I'll ever prefer ice cold swimming pools over the ones back home, but it was nice to dip in the water when I started to feel like my body was boiling. 

I also went to a baseball game last night, which apparently is fun because the games are so slow that you can chat, eat, drink beer & go to the bathroom (all that frequently) without missing any action.
It was fun, there are 9 rounds (innings) and some people try to drink one beer per round - I only drank 4. But it's more than I normally do so I was a bit shit faced later in the evening.

Which resulted in this lovely video I took on the way home - yes, I rode on a bike with another person (Fred). I haven't done that in a high man's time (háa herrans tíð!) like we say in Icelandic. Which just means a really long time. And the man is not high but he's the high man - you know, some people call him God, others call him Allah. At the game they played the national anthem of the US and Canada (guest team were from New Jersey) and it was really funny to see - they put the lyrics on a big board so everyone, also me! could sing along. Apparently I wasn't the only one that didn't know the lyrics but the guys I was with at the game were not at all used to singing a version that was all in French. So they didn't know they lyrics either. Basically, it's usually sung a bit in French and a bit in English.

I've also gone for walks and seen squirrels and heard grasshoppers in grass make their little grasshopper noise. Which is cool, I like squirrels. They dont really fancy me though, always running away.. 

On a whole other note - one cultural shock that is hard for me to get used to.

Toilets here have a bigger bowl than back home and a lot more water in them. It's kind of like a Barbie swimming pool with a big, scary hole in the bottom. 
Then, if you (not me, I mean, people here in general) pee and it's not that much, just a little bit - they dont always flush. Which freaks me out.
I mean, just flush! Obviously when people do nr. 2 they flush but for me it's kind of basic to just, always flush.

Anyway, on that note. 
I'll go take a bath!

Until next time,
over and out



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