Merde, il pleut..

I am blogging again.
More than a week has passed and I'm not going to tell you everything that happened, day by day.

I now have a bank account in Canada, took 3 days for my money to arrive so was still a bit dependent on my pimp but right now I'm my own mistress and I can do whatever I want.

One size too big. Doesn't matter...
Which is why we are going to New York this weekend. Yes, you heard me, the Big Apple, in the US of A, the country that brought us FRIENDS, the land of dreams, with the stars spangled banner, home of the brave, land of the free - and I do pledge the allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Yes. I'm ready to go for a weekend of crazy tourism. I will of course bring with me the lovely tighty whiteys from Mike - see picture.

Oh. But I guess you are here because you are curious about my life in Canada.

Weather has been great, it was still hot enough for me to wear clothes I would freeze-to-death-in in Reykjavik during windy days. Well, everyone knows I love the Icelandic summer but at least we can say that while Iceland was losing it's sheep to snow and blizzards I was wearing a flowery, long skirt and a little leather jacket. And it still felt too hot.

But hey. I guess I'll be the one complaining my ass off when it becomes -30°C. Hopefully when that happens here I'll be in Cuba or Costa Rica doing this.

That means "the dream" in Icelandic.
Next time I wont translate.

I've also been to school for a week, I've so far read 3 novels (1 of which was only 69 pages of very very emo poetry by a very emo teenager kid - but still written by an adult, ya know what I mean?)
- all in French.

My classes are all fine, teachers are usually nice/funny but quite incapable of using computers. Surprisingly most of them have Ph.D's and fancy degrees but still dont know how play music with Windows Media Player. But then again, who uses Windows Media Player anymore.

I dont. I prefer VLC player. Just before anyone jumps to the conclusion that I dont know how to work windows because I have a Mac. I do know it.
I do.

Discussing is cool with orange derhúfur.
Caps? Is it a cap? A derhoof. 
Last wednesday there was a concert at uni. My Uni-Buddy Chris (who looks more scandinavic than me and lived in Norway) and me searched for cheap beer and had a lot of fun fun and then Fred joined us for dancing and more cheap beer drinking. Which is always fun. Then we met some Spanish people that were quite into Jagermeister. I think. I'm not sure if I got a shot of anything, I dont remember. I might have.
I did get a really cool necklace with a Jagermeister shot glass tied to it.

I should take it to NY too.

I've also been to the library to get a library card. The man there was really interested in Iceland and asked me if the volcano was still erupting. I told him no, but he seemed a bit disappointed.

Volcanoes are cool. And Iceland is apparently too. Today the teacher of the "Life in Québec" class I have - for foreigners - announced "that, since we're talking about vikings - there's an Icelander in here.. so, can you tell us more about the vikings..?"

Ah. Yes. Uh. Eiríkur rauði (insert heavy Icelandic accent) and his son Leifur Eiríksson.. yes yes..

Ok I told them a bit more than that, but it was in shitty French and I almost shit my pants.
No pun intended, I really needed to go to the toilet at that point.

However, after that - at least two people approached me, telling me how much they love vikings and sagas and want to go to Iceland.

Ég gúgglaði hér "Ísland best í heimi" til að reyna að finna viðeigandi mynd.
Það sem ég fann innihélt Britney Spears, minnsta fólk í heimi, Magna í  Á móti Sól,
Rio Tinto Alcan auglýsingu, mynd af skóm og gaur beran að ofan hjá jökli.
Svo ég ákvað að setja ekki mynd..

This week I've been hammered at uni, I've also been sober at uni - which is recommended for classes - I've gotten a debit card, bus card, library card and tomorrow I'll get a student card. Which means I need to get a new wallet to celebrate.

I've paid 332$ of health insurance so I'm going to try to get some free stuff, like massages out of that. It's actually lower than I thought I'd have to pay, so I'm not complaining. I still have money in my bank account and I have a bus ticket to NYC.

It started raining but I have an umbrella and go to a university that has underground tunnels - that are kind of like an underground bunk in case of a Nuclear winter. Which is never a bad thing..

I've also met a lot of nice people, taken the wrong bus (never take bus 18 from Université Laval to Gare du Palais, it takes 50 minutes!) and seen a man dressed in tight, denim shorts with a tight denim vest singing 70's rock and roll songs.

This city has so many weird people, I do love it a lot.

At least you know I'm still alive and breathing.
Here's a picture of Kertastníkir.
Hipster Kertasníkir.


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