Bienvenue au Québec

Yes, I have arrived to Québec.
Flights were good, totally nut free - much to the annoyance of some nut lovers but hey, I dont want to die.

Connection flights are a bit tiring, having only 2,5 hours at JFK did stress me a bit but in the end it worked out well and I didn't miss my flight. - Was starting to worry about my suitcases a bit because they took an awful long time to show up on the luggage belt.
I did see some people run and miss their flight though. Sadly for them it was quite entertaining for me..

When you travel to N-America you have to fill out a form declaring the things you are bringing into the countries (that are not the typical things) - as in food, meat products, fruit, etc. and then they ask you exactly what you have and depending on what it is, they let you bring it into the country or take it away from you. And you also have to answer other weird questions, like if you've been on a farm recently. You'll see. It's a lot of fun.)

Anyway, I declared having "meat products" when I arrived in the US (because I tell the truth!) and I expected to get asked about what they were. However, as the first question they ask you is "what is the purpose of your visit?" to which my answer was "In transit to Canada" they apparently dont care if I'm bringing meat products or not. Bah, she's not our problem then, let Canada deal with it!

My meat products were of course smoked char from dad and some harðfiskur! (insert hardcore Icelandic voice) which are now safely residing in my fridge.

Otherwise everything went very well, I now have a study visa for Canada stapled to my passport. Which is great, it's like a huge piece of paper that makes it hard to close the passport. It's in both French and English, in a bit confusing way. But hey, we're in Canada!

After getting picked up I started this long adventure with a midnight meal at McDonalds. French fries were disappointing though. Stayed in Montréal for the night but arrived in Québec city the next morning. My flat is nice and huge and I occasionally forget that there's another room in here - so please if you want to stay over in Québec you're absolutely welcome!

I've finally taken all my clothes and put them on hangers and into my drawers. I've also registered at the University but I wont know my classes until next week - I have to chose them first and see if they are available.

Anyway, I'll do another blog later about uni, life and apartment - when I'm more settled down than I am right now. Until then, enjoy these pictures of the horrible graffiti a kid named Lukas did in our room (before we moved in of course..)

Not sure if he wrote his name with spray paint or blood. Also not sure what
he was trying to write on the green wall.



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